Joe Dalton is in his inaugural year of teaching English at Sherwood High School and his tenth as an educator. For the fall season, Dalton acted as an assistant football coach, and he will serve as the director for this year’s winter production of Puffs or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic.
His previous theatre experience includes starring in several plays during high school, acting and filming credits while earning his degree from the University of Michigan, and directing a Unified Theatre summer program in Salem. Most prominently, he served as technical director for two productions and director for the Shakespeare plays Othello and Hamlet at Christ School in North Carolina.
He wishes to thank Ms. Folsom and Sherwood High School for their faith in him, the work of previous students and directors who built and expanded the Sherwood drama program, his father, who inspired and instilled a love of theatre in him, and, most importantly, his wife Stacey, for her unrelenting support in his extracurricular activities.