What would you do if you had all eternity? Eleven-year-old Winnie Foster yearns for a life of adventure beyond her white picket fence, but not until she becomes unexpectedly entwined with the Tuck Family does she get more than she could have imagined. When Winnie learns of the magic behind the Tuck’s unending youth, she must fight to protect their secret from those who would do anything for a chance at eternal life. As her adventure unfolds, Winnie faces an extraordinary choice: return to her life, or continue with the Tucks on their infinite journey.

Show dates are Nov 17-19 at 7pm in the Sherwood High School auditorium.
Musical Numbers
Setting: Treegap, New Hampshire and its surrounding wood
Time: August 1893, with a few exceptions
Act 1:
“Live Like This”- Mae, Winnie, Angus, Jesse, Miles, Man in the Yellow Suit, Ensemble
“Good Girl, Winnie Foster” – Winnie, Ensemble
“Join the Parade” – Man in the Yellow Suit, Ensemble
“Good Girl, Winnie Foster Reprise” – Winnie
“Top of the World” – Jesse, Winnie
“Hugo’s First Case” – Hugo
“Story of the Tucks” – Mae, Jesse, Miles
“My Most Beautiful Day” – Mae, Angus, Ensemble
“The Attic” – Winnie
“Join the Parade Reprise” – Man in the Yellow Suit, Ensemble
“Partner in Crime” – Winnie, Jesse, Ensemble
“Seventeen” – Jesse, Winnie, Man in the Yellow Suit, Ensemble
Act 2:
“Everything’s Golden” – Man in the Yellow Suit, Ensemble
“Seventeen Reprise” – Winnie
“Time” – Miles
“Time Reprise Quartet” – Miles, Mae, Angus, Jesse
“Everything’s Golden Reprise” – Man in the Yellow Suit
“You Can’t Trust a Man” – Constable Joe, Hugo
“The Wheel” – Angus, Winnie, Ensemble
“Story of the Man in the Yellow Suit” – Man in the Yellow Suit
“Everlasting” – Winnie
“The Story of Winnie Foster” – Orchestra
“The Wheel Reprise” – Company
Cast List
Jesse Tuck – Camden Daiker
Mae Tuck – Ellise Newton
Miles Tuck – Derec Gregory
Angus Tuck – Benny Matlock
Winnie Foster – Delaney Hagfeldt
Man In The Yellow Suit – Grant Aanderud
Mother – Clara Mellinger
Nana – Lily Knepper
Hugo – Edwin Johnson
Constable Joe – Alice Giles
Miles’ son, Thomas – Avery Mellinger
Miles’ wife – Zoe Gillice
Winnie’s son – Miles Shuckerow
Dance Team – Adalia Henderson, AJ Jernstedt, Amanda Starling, Anna Vee Phillips, Caden Cole, Charlotte Swartout, Clarissa Flores, Delaney Nielsen, Emma Young, Kiara Valladares, Megan Ramos, Sabrina Urban, Triston Martin, Zaid Tareq
Ensemble – Abigail Bishop, Anja Lindgren, Brooklyn Buck, Ciara Schweigert, Dalia Haner, Isabelle Moon, Jack Fairman, Jadyn Cochran, Kaelyn Perlmutter, Kyle Mershon, Kylie Davenport, Lillian Renard, Macy NewMyer, Mikayla Weidman, Salem Yelton, Samantha Swarts, Sophie Fletcher, Taylor Dearinger, Zoe Gillice
Understudies – Amanda Starling (Mother, Nana), Charlotte Swartout (Winnie), Kiara Valladares (Mae)
Production Team
Director – Robyn Folsom
Music Director – Kathy Shuckerow
Assistant Director/Choreographer – Tara Porter
Vocal Coach – Karen Porter
Technical Director – Kristen Hartman
Stage Manager – Cory McNutt
Tech Crew – Addie Montgomery, Amarys Martínez, Belle Duncantell, Claire Baldridge, Emery Boisvert, Emily Switzer, Ethan Quirie, Gabriela Rojas, Jenna Bishop, Kulia Mc Laughlin, Lauren Branine, Payton Rettig, Samantha Demcak, Sophie NewMyer, Soren Svenson
Set Construction – Robert Eli Taylor
Additional painting and prop assembly – Tech Crew
Costuming – Michelle Crosby, Aimee Daiker, Allie Edinger, Coraline Clark
Glam (Hair & Makeup): Pamela Whitchurch, Rana Kaddumi, Carol-Jean Pemberton, Risa Hetrick, Isabelle Garland
Photography: Jeff Peters
Videography: Hayden Konstantin
House Manager, Booster President: Ambria Newton
Box Office: Marcy Nielsen, Lisa Swartout
Special thanks to the Performing Arts Boosters and Families! Thank you to Mason Hartman and the Taylor family for all their help. Thank you to Izzy Garland for an amazing clown, Monica Yelton for fun cotton candy, and Caleb Chan for behind the scenes tech help. Thank you to Shannon Miller for acting coaching. Thank you to Tabatha Copley, Shannon Miller, Parvati Bhaskaran, Kylie Johnson, Aisha Abdelaziz for costuming help. And thank you to Adam Mitchell, Katie Voss, and SHS Administration and district office! We appreciate you!